International Art Exchange / Introduction

  The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea conducts brisk international exchanges and cooperation in the field of culture and art.
   Many of its prestigious art groups including the Phibada Opera Troupe and the National Circus have made performance tours in China, Russia and scores of other countries, and famous art troupes and artists from foreign countries have been invited to give performance in the DPRK.
   Of particular note in the art exchange with foreign countries is the April Spring Friendship Art Festival, which can be counted as a world’s major art festival for its history, scope and significance.
   The festival has been held in Pyongyang, the capital city of the country, for 33 times, and a total number of 1 427 art troupes and 16 040 artists from 114 countries have taken part in it. The festival is a famous arena for international art exchange in all genres of performing arts.
   The country invites renowned foreign professors and experts to give lectures in various realms of art and conducts various kinds of activities aimed at disseminating the Juche art at home and abroad. Also brisk are the exchanges and cooperation in the realm of fine art.
   The Korea Art Exchange Society is responsible for international art exchange on the nongovernmental level.