Literary Paragraph /  Life of Patriotic Devotion
  Life of Patriotic Devotion

  All the Korean people meaningfully celebrated the 82nd birth anniversary of Kim Jong Il, the eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, amid great joy and delight.
  Kim Jong Il was a peerless patriot, who performed great exploits for the times and history and opened a prosperous future for his country and people.
  Thanks to his energetic leadership, the destiny of the country and people was firmly defended, and eternal foundations were laid for the happiness of posterity.
  His revolutionary career was an ennobling one of a peerless patriot, who devoted his all for the country and people with enthusiasm and affection.
  The Korean people will always remember the patriotic exploits of Kim Jong Il, who devoted his whole life to laying the solid foundations and developing the inexhaustible potentials for the building of a powerful country which can never be bartered for anything.